Tuesday 12th of November 2PM, our second Quadtrees Hub will take place – to discuss ongoing research in quantitative methods, urban analytics and spatial data from both the Urban Development and Mobility Dpt of LISER and the Dpt of Geography and Spatial Planning at the University of Luxembourg. The aim is to share and discuss research in progress. Quadtrees’hubs are open to anyone interested and somehow familiar with some quantitative techniques and willing to progress with these. Please contact Isabelle Pigeron-Piroth for information.
HUB #2
When? 12th of NOv 2019 14h00-15h00.
Where? Map Room (next to GIS room) 1st floor MSH, Belval.
14H-15H : Paul Kilgarriff : Change in Artificial Land Use over time across European Cities: A rescaled radial perspective
In this presentation we present a radial analysis of cities in order to understand what the recent changes in artificial land use (ALU) across Europe and how this change relates to city size. We examine whether Gibrat’s law holds for artificial land use change, i.e. ALU growth and city size are independent. We not only examine Gibrat at an aggregate level but we also examine the internal structure of cities by controlling for the effect of city size. A scaling law is used to examine the internal structure of cities, as determined by distance to the city center. Using the population of the city and the population of the largest city in the dataset, we are able to display a complex two-dimensional intra-urban structure of a city in a one-dimensional space. Controlling for city size enables us to compare the change ALU for different groups of cities, i.e. small versus large cities, which are related to issues such as sprawl and urban expansion. The second argument for focusing on Gibrat is to examine where the ALU change happens and whether that ‘where’ is changing with city size. We can examine where the biggest change in ALU is occurring in relation to distance the central business district.