Quadtrees – Quantitative Urban Analytics and Spatial Data Research – is a virtual lab that brings together quantitative geographers from the University of Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, and associated geographers in Luxembourg. The aim of this blog is both to communicate world wide about the progress, richness and diversity of quantitative geography research in Luxembourg and to create a place for cross-fertilization, sharing and learning among our researchers. We will post here news about ongoing projects, recent papers, data sets, workshop, conferences, lectures, critical ideas and reflections,…
While quantitative geography arose some 60 years ago when mathematics and computers were embraced by social scientists, many challenges remain today to understand the complexity of cities and interrelate their social, cultural, economic and environmental dimensions. Not the least is to assemble a formalised but fragmented theoretical corpus and set of methods and questions their capacity to helps us understanding real world dynamics and acting toward better cities. The recent digital turn and spatial data boom may -or may not- provide us with an extraordinary boost to advance our understanding of space and cities. Here is the place where the Luxembourg researchers gather and demonstrate contributions to these debates.