November Map Challenge 2024 from Luxembourg

Below a compilation of the maps contributed by our “mappers” from Luxembourg University and LISER as part of this year’s map challenge! TIPTOP !

Many thanks to our contributors: Kerry Schiel, Léandre Fabri and Cyrille Médard de Chardon

Day 8: HDX by Kerry Schiel

Day 8: HDX by Léandre Fabri

Day 7: Vintage by Cyrille Médard de Chardon

Day 7: Vintage by Kerry Schiel

Day 6: Raster by Kerry Schiel

Day 5: A journey by Léandre Fabri

Day 5: A journey by Kerry Schiel

Day 4: Hexagons by Cyrille Médard de Chardon


Day 4: Hexagons by Kerry Schiel

Day 3: Polygons by Kerry Schiel

Day 2: Lines by Léandre Fabri

Day 2: Lines by Kerry Schiel

Day 1: Points by Kerry Schiel

Day 1: Points by Cyrille Médard de Chardon


Letz start!